Course informations
- Credentials : Diploma (Associate Degree)
- Course Duration : 2 years (4 semesters), full-time
- Intake Month : in March
Admission requirements
- A person who graduated high school and TOPIK level 3
- A person who graduated high school and TOPIK level 2 ; more than 300 hours of Korean language training for 1 year after admission to the school.
Field of Study
- Automatic Control System for Semiconductor and Electronic industry
Conducted entirely in Korea
Tuition Fees
- 3,000USD/Semester (Total 12,000USD)
Course Description
By acquiring expertise and skills in automatic control systems in the semiconductor and electronics industries, we train maintenance technicians to operate the product manufacturing process and maintain automated production equipment.
- Educational Purpose
- Creative talent with practical skills in semiconductor and electronics fields
- Personal talent with professional ethics
- Exemplary talent with service spirit
Working Area