Dept. of Social Welfare
Achieve your dream of becoming a social worker and nursery teacher at the same time!
Course Informations
Educational goal
- Foster professional social worker with theoretical and practical competence
- Foster nursery teachers as future national human resources
Working area
Social welfare civil servant, social welfare center, rehabilitation guardianship agency, volunteer work center, domiciliary care center, senior welfare center, elderly daycare center, domiciliary senior welfare center,
local child welfare center, immigrant women support center, multicultural family support center, nursery, after-school teacher, elementary school children caregiver, Nuri-program assistant teacher, instructor
at education and culture center

- Name :
- Mi Suk Lee
- Position :
- Professor
- Tel :
- 043-210-8358
- E-mail :
- mlee@chsu.ac.kr
- Degree & Major :
- Ph. D. in literature
- Lecture Field :
- Social welfare

- Name :
- Kim, Jihoon
- Position :
- Associate Professor
- Tel :
- 043-210-8352
- E-mail :
- hoonkim@chsu.ac.kr
- Degree & Major :
- Master in Socail Welfare
- Lecture Field :
- Social welfare

- Name :
- kyungsun Hong
- Position :
- Adjunct Professor
- Tel :
- 043-211-3335
- E-mail :
- 22kyungsun@hanmail.net
- Degree & Major :
- master's degree